The Utility Player On Your Home Team

Mission Statement

Useful Utilities is committed to helping us all to breathe easier by providing information and tools that you can use create a better and safer future for everyone in this time of global energy concern and transition. At the same time, we know small changes are more likely when they’re affordable for individuals and families, so we focus on solutions that intersect at the corner of green and green.

Who We Are

The climate reports can be grim. Governments are falling short of their climate protection pledges, and inflation is making it harder for individuals to make eco-friendly choices when there are so many other choices to make, too. Useful Utilities we know that small changes matter and that individuals across the nation are committed to making those changes. It’s just sometimes a challenge to know what they are!

Useful Utilities is a robust source of information and resources for your consumer utility needs. We can help you understand the pros and cons of natural gas or electric heat, the difference between a furnace and a boiler, how to save on your monthly energy costs, and how to plan renovations and upgrades to take advantage of the latest in clean energy options.

Home’s Energy Needs

The Useful

Everything you need to know about utility services and how to maximize your savings and minimize your impact on the environment.

+ Find hidden energy savings
+ Eco-friendly tips and tricks
+ The latest on trends in solar and clean energy options

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The Beneficial

News and updates in home energy options and upgrades.

+ The best way to invest in solar and clean energy options
+ How home energy investment improves your property value
+ Tax savings for home energy upgrades

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Everything you need to know about utility services and how to maximize your savings and minimize your impact on the environment.

The Profitable

Everything you need to know about utility services and how to maximize your savings and minimize your impact on the environment.

+ Find hidden energy savings
+ Eco-friendly tips and tricks
+ The latest on trends in solar and clean energy options

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Everything you need to know about utility services and how to maximize your savings and minimize your impact on the environment.

Our Services

Eco-friendly Products

  • Smart energy efficient thermostats
  • LED Smart Bulbs
  • Smart Power Strips
  • Air Filters
  • Attic and Appliances
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Create a Better and Safer Future for Everyone

  • Understand Energy Options
  • Find Incentive and Rebate Programs
  • Research Consumer Products and Services
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Helpful Tips

  • Solar
  • A/C Tips
  • Rebates & Tax Credits
  • Home Energy and Efficiency
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